
God Jul & Gott Nytt År!

Nu tar vi lite paus från allt och tar det lite lugnt över jul och nyår. Vi skulle vilja säga tack till alla som vart med och förgyllt vårt år!

Vi ses igen år 2010!

God jul & gott nytt år!
/Straight To Nowhere


Nytt videoklipp!


Dags för ett bonusklipp i vår Studiovideodagboksserie (haha). I det här klippet får man lära sig hur man spelar gitarr med munnen.


Hultsfredsfestivalen lever vidare

Igår beslutade kommunfullmäktige, efter votering på samtliga fem punkter, att kort och gott gå in med pengar för att Festivalen, och således även Hultsfred som kommun ska kunna leva vidare.

Detta tackar vi för!

Här är ett litet klipp som visar händelseförloppet i korthet. Är det kanske några man känner igen på slutet av klippet?



Video Diary pt 7!

Nu äntligen har del sju av vår videodagbok anlänt!
Denna gång är det Chris som ska lägga sina gitarrer. Om det ändå vore så lätt...
Luta dig tillbaka och njut!

*Textspår ska finnas, men det kom inte med av nån anledning så det kommer upp snarast!

/Straight To Nowhere


Tack & Bock.


Som ni vet så har vi haft en inhoppare på bas de senaste tre månaderna vid namn Felix Axemo. På Rookie gjorde han sitt sista gig med oss då David har kommit hem från Asien igen! Så vi skulle vilja tacka Felix för hjälpen, vi är oerhört tacksamma!

Ett stort tack till er som var där och stöttade oss på Rookie! Vi hade riktigt kul, hoppas ni också hade en trevlig festival.

Vi fick även besöka Rockarkivet, bli plåtade och spana in gamla demos och annat gafs vi lämnat in för tokigt länge sedan. Kan bli riktigt kul att kika på om 10 år! Här följer den fantastiskt snygga bilden iaf!

Vi har inte låtit nån tid gå till spillo och börjat repa med David med en gång. Känns bra att han är tillbaka igen! Så nu blir det att repa inför den 20e! Vad händer den 20e undrar ni då? Ja vi ska spela på Slottsstallarna i Växjö. Det är en studentpub, så det är studentleg som gäller. Dock finns det gästkort för oss vanliga dödliga (ej studerande) att boka på Stallarnas hemsida. De kan endast bokas i Växjö på studentkårens expedition och det finns 40 styck per evenemang. All information finns på Stallarnas hemsida. Det blir nog hur som en väldigt trevlig afton!

Innan Rookie gick vi ut med att vår spelning skulle filmas och streamas live. Nu undrar ni kanske vart, hur och om det går att hitta detta fantastiska videoklipp. Tyvärr så är det så att vår spelning av nån anledning inte filmades, vilket är väldigt dåligt då det var sagt att de skulle det. Så kan det vara.. Vi får försöka fixa ett liveklipp på annat sätt inom en snar framtid!

Det var allt för stunden.
På återseende!
/Straight To Nowhere


Inför Rookie.

God eftermiddag!

Imorgon spelar vi som bekant på Rookie! Vi har allehanda satt ihop en liten presentation av oss själva som finns att beskåda precis här:

För er som ville komma och titta på oss men inte har möjlighet så finns det faktiskt ett sätt att se oss på ändå. I form av HultsfredTV! Följ denna länk och bänka dig framför datorn klockan 17:20 imorgon!

Vi kommer även sälja ett litet "Straight To Nowhere-kit" som består av:
  • En vanlig jävla T-Shirt, dock tämligen snygg.
  • En extremt limiterad Rookie Promo-cd som innehåller 3 spår från vår kommande skiva.
  • Vår gamla pärla Message From The Don.
Allt detta för endast 100 kr! För bra för att vara sant!

Ses imorgon!
/Straight To Nowhere


Två låtar kvar!

Yes, minsann. Idag har jag och Rickard spelat in lite av min sång på tre låtar, så nu är det bara två låtar kvar för mig innan det är dags för de andra grabbarna att sjunga lite. Kort sagt börjar vi se mållinjen nu :)

Giget i Huskvarna i fredags gick helt okej. Det var skitkul att få visa upp sig för en yngre publik. Tack till er som var där, hoppas vi gjorde nån glad. Bilder dyker upp snart.

//Robban, STN


Ny hemsida!


Vi har nu förenklat vår hemsida en smula. Den kommer mest bestå av lite nödvändiga länkar och vart vi kommer spela härnäst. Shoutboxen är nu borta så nu går sidan faktiskt att öppna! Nyheter går nu att följa här på bloggen, på vår Myspace & genom vår twitter. Det kommer komma till lite funktioner på sidan lite längre fram.

Hope you like it!

/Straight To Nowhere


Video Diary pt 6!


Nu är dagen kommen. Vi har nu lagt upp sjätte delen av vår videodokumentation och den finns att skåda här alldeles nedanför.

Håll till godo:
(som en sidonot, det går nu att välja text själv)

Imorgon bär det av till Huskvarna då vi ska framföra våra verk på Nordisk Gårdsbandsfestival

Bilder från detta lär dyka upp snarast!

/Straight To Nowhere


Rookie 09'

I'm going to start of by saying that from here on out we will now be doing this blog in Swedish.. If there are any English-only readers out there that think this is a shit decision, you can tell us in the comments below, or (!) - you can try translating whatever we're saying using Google Translate.

Så nu när vi har rett ut hela den biten så vill jag ta tillfället i akt att utannonsera hela 4 gig som kommer gå av stapeln inom kort. Vi kan stolt meddela att vi kommer spela på årets Rookie Festival. Hoppas ni kommer dit och skrålar lite med oss!

Här har ni en lista i datumordning:
16/10 - Nordisk Gårdsbandsfestival 09' - Huskvarna
24/10 - Privat Fest - Hultsfred
30/10 - Rookie 09' - Hultsfred
20/11 - Stallarna - Växjö

Biljetter till NGF finns att köpa på plats i entrén.
Biljetter till Rookie finns att köpa på plats i entrén eller här.

Hoppas vi ses nåt av datumen!

Vi håller även fortfarande på att lägga sång, vilket har tagit en bra stund. Men det är inte långt kvar nu! Håll ut..och lyssna på Expectation Blues på vår Myspace en gång till ;)

/Rickard & Stn.


The new Blues!

Hello everyone!

It's been kind of slow around...well everywhere from our part for a while.. We are truly sorry for that. We will try to post another Video Diary pretty soon. But right now we have been kind of busy pre-mixing and laying down some vocals for the album. And it's turning out pretty sweet I must say. And speaking of new songs with vocals... We have decided to post the album version of The Expectation Blues @ our Myspace page! Hope you enjoy! Some slight differences might be made to the final product, but all in all this will pretty much represent what the album will sound like! Hope you enjoy and we'll see you soon!

Don't forget to check us out @ The Rock in Kalmar this Saturday!

Be sure to post your thoughts on the new song for us and give us some feedback!

/Rickard - Stn


Dave Doin' Asia

So, we had a few busy weeks with a gig at the Hultsfred festival and a gig in conjuction with the Sonisphere festival in Hultsfred (which was one of the greatest experiences we ever had. Big hand to the awesome audience!). We also attended both festivals as visitors, which means we had to drink quite a couple of brews these past weeks.

However, since we haven't been drunk ALL the time there are a few songs that have words now. At the moment I'm working on a gangster/mafia-themed song and I figure I just might need some inspiration. So if you know any good gangster/mafia movies, feel free to namedrop them in the comments below :)

The recording is coming along quite nicely. We're currently working on the vocals, but I got a cold a couple of days ago so I'm not singing that well at the moment. Instead, we're gonna put Dave in front of the microphone to track his backing vocals before he leaves for Asia on the 4th of august with no date set for his return. Let's hope he'll have a great time and that he won't be gone for too long!

Anyhoo, don't forget to namedrop mafia movies in the comments below.

Robert - STN


Pictures and stuff.

Hello all!
Well, we survived the Hultsfred's Festival, which is good news I suppose. I thought I would stop by and share some pictures of the event with the masses(?). We had a blast and I'll tell you, it was a really grand feeling standing on that HUGE stage, let alone playing on it! Enough babbling..

If you have any photo's or videos of your own from the show feel free to send them to us!

We have T-shirts left, so give us a shout if you would like to buy one! It's only 100 Sek + postal fee's. So what are you waiting for? If you want to know what it looks like you should check out the previous blogpost.

In other news, I have been informed that Robert is writing some lyrics! Everyone has been quite busy with other stuff so we haven't been able to put a new Video Diary up or anything - but rest assured that it is indeed coming! And we will very soon start recording some vocals! I think it will have to wait till next week though due to most of us attending the Sonisphere Festival. Lots of festivals this time time of year, but we'll be back on track pretty soon!

See you soon!
/Rickard - Stn



How would you like that baby on a T-shirt?

Well, good news! T-shirts are inbound!

Bad news is the quantity is very limited, so you have to make yer way down to the Hawaii stage tomorrow at noon to get your hands on one. It's a real looker, I know, so they will probably sell out pretty quick. If there's any T-shirts left after the show we will let you know.

Hope to see you tomorrow!
/Straight To Nowhere



As you already know by now, we will be performing at the Hawaii stage at this years Hulstfredsfestivalen this Saturday. We are currently quite busy rehearsing, and tonight Robert & I will probably sit down a bit and try out some vocals on a new tune we may or may not play. So, if you want to hear something new from us you should probably stop by if your there, just to be sure. Also - we just maaay have some merch.. But you just never know.

Next week we will probably get back to the record and start producing some vocals! Interesting times. Check back soon for more. We will post here with our own impressions of the show. Hope you all will share your own thoughts with us!

See you Saturday!

/Rickard - Stn



I'm sitting at home in front of my computer on this extremely warm day, writing some lyrics while having a beer :) I'm starting to get the lyrics finished for one song, but it's kinda hard to pick the right words at the right place while trying to get all the stuff I wanna say out of my system. I think it'll come out just fine though...



Status report.

Hello blog readers!

Just wanted to pop by and let you all know what's going on in the Stn camp!

First and foremost, the bass is now done! Dave did a great job. I think we all did actually. After he was done I laid down some tambourine and various percussion on the songs. We didn't have the time for eggs and maracas but that will be recorded in the near future.

After that we moved out of the studio and back to my home based studio. Let me tell you, it was a mess in the first place, stuff everywhere!

But now things are in order again. Pictures will follow at some point. While Robert has been home writing some lyrics me and my brother Henrik have been quite busy mixing some of the material, and I can tell you that it will sound awesome!

Hopefully we will start tracking the vocals really soon. In the coming two weeks we probably will be kind of busy with rehearsing due to a pretty special show we will be doing for the kids here in Hultsfred at this years festival next Saturday at noon! We will be playing at the biggest stage(!), namely Hawaii(!!), and I bet it's going to be awesome!

We will be back with more posts very soon! Until then..

/Rickard - Straight To Nowhere


Big update! + new Video Diary! *updated*

Hello there!

Today we have a pretty big update for you. First and foremost, ALL the guitars are now done! I was nagging Chris about updating the blog to let you know but for some odd reason he hasn't.. So I will be doing this post instead. It's nice to hear the songs with all the guitars as you get a better impression of how the songs will sound like in the end. And it sounds awesome! Chris & Robert have really done well. But there is a big chunk missing... And that, of course, is the bass - which we have moved on to today!

We got up to the studio quite early this morning and did some soundcheck of Dave's amp.
But before we began he put on some new strings on his preciuos Ibanez - no dirty old strings are making their way on to this album!

We feel we have a solid bass sound now, which is good! We didn't let any time go to waste so he nailed one song pretty fast. Then we took a break due to me having to do some other work elsewhere.

We will probably head up to the studio some more today and track some more bass.

In other news - we played a very fun gig on the 6th of June here in Hultsfred, which is a while back now, but we want to say thank you to those of you who showed up and supported us! Our former bass-player Petter Gunnarsson stepped in for David because he refused to skip the Sweden Rock Festival ;) So a big thank you to Petter as well. Sadly, I don't have many pictures of the event at this time, but the ones I have I will happily share!

(Photos by: Danielle Simu, except the setlist, which was shot by none other than me)
If you have any more, please feel free to send them to us! We will post them here and give you the credit! We will probably make some more show announcements soon, so stay tuned!

And now, for the thing that all of you have been waiting for.... The latest instalment of the Video Diary! In this episode.. Well, people actually get hurt, and by people, I mean Chris! So if you wanna' see some blood, join in on the fun!
(I have to stress that he did not get any serious injuries)

Hope you enjoyed. Feel free to give us a scream (or a simple hello) in the comments!

Last but not least, I thought about changing the our name and take a totally different direction with this band. Sadly I did not.. Anyway, I did make this drawing to illustrate my inner desires!

(For those of you who doesn't understand the word "Helvete", here is a quick translation: "Hell")

See you soon!
//Rickard - Straight To Nowhere


Say hello to...


Chris is in the studio at this very moment laying down some solos for the album. It's shaping up really good! Give us a shout in the comments if you're as excited as we are!

/Rickard - Stn



This weekend I will try to put down the last tunes. All of my clean guitars and all of my lead parts. Since I'll take a week of heading up north to visit my parents-in-law I will try to get the work done before that.

In the meantime I hope Robert will go on with his leads and the vocals, maybe Dave feel like to nail some grooves to the tracks?

See you when I'm done relaxing ;)

// Chris - STN


Video Diary part 4!

The four gringos are at it yet again! Check out the 4th episode of our studio diary!

You can find previous instalments on YouTube!

/Straight To Nowhere


Chris's Clean Guitar

After hours of testing different amps to get a good clean sound for Chris we've finally found a solution. We hooked up Chris's Fender Strat to a 70's Music Man amp and a Framus speaker cabinet. Chris might be a little sad about not playing on his beloved Orange amp, but it sounds mighty yummy!

Soon we'll start tracking Chris's lead guitars. At one point he'll sing along with the solo, and for that we borrowed an old Green Bullet mic from my girlfriends dad (He's a blues man). It's bound to sound really cool!

//Robert - STN



Hey folks!

A few days ago i started the recording of my rythm guitars on the upcoming album. With my Orange amp and my Fender we managed to get a rough and quite interresting sound. Soundcheck went fast thanks to my amp wich only got three knobs. Level, tone and gain.

Simplicity at it's best ;)

We will hit the studio later next week. I have 4 more songs and then we will go on with the lead parts!!

// Chris Wigren


Video Diary part 3!

In case you missed it, part three of the Studio Diary is now live! Check it out below!

You can find previous instalments on YouTube!

/Straight To Nowhere


Most of Robert's guitars recorded


Today we recorded the last big pieces of my guitars. They sound awesome! The only stuff I have left to record is some lead guitar, acoustic guitar and a tiny bit of a song that requires a different sound. This means that Chris will start recording his guitars this week :)

The songs are really starting to come together now, you can't really know how good they are before you hear them without having to play along ;)

Well, I'm off to write some lyrics.

Robert - STN



Mr. Washburn, Mr. Laney Klipp and I have been nailing some tunes this evening. I really like those guys...

Me, Rickard and Chris started out with some soundcheck of the amps and trying out microphones and some miking techniques. It ended up sounding really badass. It might actually be the most masculine sound I've ever heard from my buddies (both mentioned above (not Rickard and Chris)) :D

Anyway, Chris is at home doing whatever it is he does when we're not around while me and Rickard are heading back to the studio for another rendezvous with Mr. W and Mr. LK.

Here's some pics to keep you up to speed.
