
I shouldn't even be writing this blog post, since I'm not playing any guitar in this band. But hey, everyone is busy and I'm at home right now having a bad cold.. So I thought I could share some pictures that Robert Einarsson snapped the other day while Robert & Chris were rigging the amps and putting on new strings on all the guitars we're going to use.
Me and Dave was also there of course. We also did some other stuff, like dismounting the drums and disconnecting cables from microphones and vacuuming the rug that the drums stood on. You should have seen it, like a freaking lumbermill!
Well, enough jabbering about totally uninteresting things.. Let's get on with it shall we?

Well, that was that! Enjoy for now, and we'll see you back here very soon. As soon as I'm feeling well again we will get our arses back in the studio to get some guitars recorded.
In the meantime you should go enjoy the pre-production version of "The Expectation Blues" at our Myspace page, or maybe the nice wheather we're having!?
See you soon!
/Rickard - Stn
Fy fan va road Mr. B e på sista kortet då. Tråkigt tt byta strängar? :P