
Vote for STN to play at Arvika!

There is currently a competition of sorts going on and Straight To Nowhere needs your help!

Arvikafestivalen is in search of one unsigned band that will have the opportunity to play at one of their stages during the festival. 2000 bands have been picked out, and it's up to the people to decide who gets to play! So if you are a member here at Myspace.com head on over to Arvika's profile (link found below) and post a vote for your favourite band - Straight To Nowhere!

The procedure is pretty simple - At the top of the page you will have a list of all 2000 bands. Mark Straight To Nowhere, fill in the captcha code and click "Vote"! Easy peasy. You can vote once a day! So don't forget to vote everyday!

So head on over and post a vote here

We appreciate your help! And maybe we will see you at Arvika!

/Straight To Nowhere

1 kommentar:

  1. Röstat! Ska sätta sidan som startsida så att jag inte glömmer röta imorgon och framöver. :)
