
Dave Doin' Asia

So, we had a few busy weeks with a gig at the Hultsfred festival and a gig in conjuction with the Sonisphere festival in Hultsfred (which was one of the greatest experiences we ever had. Big hand to the awesome audience!). We also attended both festivals as visitors, which means we had to drink quite a couple of brews these past weeks.

However, since we haven't been drunk ALL the time there are a few songs that have words now. At the moment I'm working on a gangster/mafia-themed song and I figure I just might need some inspiration. So if you know any good gangster/mafia movies, feel free to namedrop them in the comments below :)

The recording is coming along quite nicely. We're currently working on the vocals, but I got a cold a couple of days ago so I'm not singing that well at the moment. Instead, we're gonna put Dave in front of the microphone to track his backing vocals before he leaves for Asia on the 4th of august with no date set for his return. Let's hope he'll have a great time and that he won't be gone for too long!

Anyhoo, don't forget to namedrop mafia movies in the comments below.

Robert - STN


Pictures and stuff.

Hello all!
Well, we survived the Hultsfred's Festival, which is good news I suppose. I thought I would stop by and share some pictures of the event with the masses(?). We had a blast and I'll tell you, it was a really grand feeling standing on that HUGE stage, let alone playing on it! Enough babbling..

If you have any photo's or videos of your own from the show feel free to send them to us!

We have T-shirts left, so give us a shout if you would like to buy one! It's only 100 Sek + postal fee's. So what are you waiting for? If you want to know what it looks like you should check out the previous blogpost.

In other news, I have been informed that Robert is writing some lyrics! Everyone has been quite busy with other stuff so we haven't been able to put a new Video Diary up or anything - but rest assured that it is indeed coming! And we will very soon start recording some vocals! I think it will have to wait till next week though due to most of us attending the Sonisphere Festival. Lots of festivals this time time of year, but we'll be back on track pretty soon!

See you soon!
/Rickard - Stn



How would you like that baby on a T-shirt?

Well, good news! T-shirts are inbound!

Bad news is the quantity is very limited, so you have to make yer way down to the Hawaii stage tomorrow at noon to get your hands on one. It's a real looker, I know, so they will probably sell out pretty quick. If there's any T-shirts left after the show we will let you know.

Hope to see you tomorrow!
/Straight To Nowhere



As you already know by now, we will be performing at the Hawaii stage at this years Hulstfredsfestivalen this Saturday. We are currently quite busy rehearsing, and tonight Robert & I will probably sit down a bit and try out some vocals on a new tune we may or may not play. So, if you want to hear something new from us you should probably stop by if your there, just to be sure. Also - we just maaay have some merch.. But you just never know.

Next week we will probably get back to the record and start producing some vocals! Interesting times. Check back soon for more. We will post here with our own impressions of the show. Hope you all will share your own thoughts with us!

See you Saturday!

/Rickard - Stn



I'm sitting at home in front of my computer on this extremely warm day, writing some lyrics while having a beer :) I'm starting to get the lyrics finished for one song, but it's kinda hard to pick the right words at the right place while trying to get all the stuff I wanna say out of my system. I think it'll come out just fine though...



Status report.

Hello blog readers!

Just wanted to pop by and let you all know what's going on in the Stn camp!

First and foremost, the bass is now done! Dave did a great job. I think we all did actually. After he was done I laid down some tambourine and various percussion on the songs. We didn't have the time for eggs and maracas but that will be recorded in the near future.

After that we moved out of the studio and back to my home based studio. Let me tell you, it was a mess in the first place, stuff everywhere!

But now things are in order again. Pictures will follow at some point. While Robert has been home writing some lyrics me and my brother Henrik have been quite busy mixing some of the material, and I can tell you that it will sound awesome!

Hopefully we will start tracking the vocals really soon. In the coming two weeks we probably will be kind of busy with rehearsing due to a pretty special show we will be doing for the kids here in Hultsfred at this years festival next Saturday at noon! We will be playing at the biggest stage(!), namely Hawaii(!!), and I bet it's going to be awesome!

We will be back with more posts very soon! Until then..

/Rickard - Straight To Nowhere